--- layout: page title: "About" description: "Hey, this is Aaronwn." header-img: "img/post-bg-rwd.jpg" ---
冰冻三尺 非一日之寒
积土成山 非斯须之作
Hey,我是 王能(Aaronwn),一只前端程序猿,目前在北京工作。
这是我利用 GitHub Pages 和 Jekyll 搭建的 个人博客。我在GitHub主页 👉GitHub·Aaronwn
Yet another FE Developer.
Yet another Life-long Student.
Hi, I am wangneng,you can call me Aaronwn. I am an FE software engineer and currently working in Beijing
This is my personal blog, through making Github Pages and Jekyll.My GitHub 👉 Github·Aaronwn.
I am a sports enthusiast, I like basketball, sing, and photo.